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Promoting the economic reactivation from the cities: peruvian mayors presented commitments for post quarantine urban sustainability
In the First Digital Urban Dialogue of the Mi Ciudad Platform, WWF and Periferia’s Alliance, mayors presented their proposals to the Vice Minister of Environment.
In the First Digital Urban Dialogue of the Mi Ciudad Platform, WWF and Periferia’s Alliance, mayors presented their proposals to the Vice Minister of Environment.
Faced with the challenges of economic recovery after quarantine, peruvian cities set initiatives to promote the course for a new economy: one with a local and regional focus.
On Wednesday, May 6, the mayors of the cities of Huamanga (Ayacucho), Independencia (Lima), La Molina (Lima), Machupicchu (Cusco) and San Martin (Tarapoto) presented their initiatives for an early economic recovery, focusing on public health and sustainability.
Part of the activities that stand out were the new bike lanes in La Molina (29 km), “Market at home” strategy in Huamanga, the new decentralized tourist circuits in Machupicchu, the Digital Employment Exchange of Independencia, and the new Urban Plan in Tarapoto, which will be refocused on a “self-sustaining and safe neighborhoods city”.
The event also had the participation of Gabriel Quijandría, Viceminister of Strategic Development of Natural Resources of the Ministry of Environment, who presented 15 measures of the economic reactivation that also contributes to the peruvian climate change agenda and articulates the municipal initiatives.
These measures include the promotion of teleworking, sustainable mobility, community agroforestry initiatives, segregation and recovery of solid waste, among others.
From the private sector, Micaela Rizo Patrón, General Manager of Peru 2021, pointed out the Action Tables for the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) promoted by her organization to generate effective public-private collaboration.
Alvaro Paz de la Barra, president of AMPE, the mayors and members of the Platform, agreed on the need to increase the capacities and competences of the municipalities by providing greater budgetary resources to local governments, especially in the current situation of many neighbors stopping paying taxes.
Kurt Holle, Country Manager of WWF Peru, highlighted the importance of promoting the economic reactivation by changing the course and building a new and historic “renaissance”.