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WWF Peru presented advances in the diagnosis of corruption risks in squid and mahi mahi fisheries and guide to anti-corruption approaches

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On February 23, the international workshop called "Developing the diagnosis of corruption risks in the value chains of squid and mahi mahi fisheries in Peru" was held with the participation of specialists from WWF US, USAID and WWF Peru.
WWF Peru, with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), organized the mentioned workshop to present the preliminary results of the report "Diagnosis of corruption risks in the value chains of squid and mahi mahi fisheries in Peru". It happened in front of a plenary of national and international fishing sector actors. It also featured presentations by Pedro Flores of USAID and Preston Whitt of WWF US.
Milagros Mitma, Marine Governance Officer of WWF Peru said that "this event seeks to discuss an issue as complex and sensitive as corruption, which is one of the structural causes of the weakening of fisheries governance and facilitates illegal unreported and unregulated fishing in our country".
©Marcia Cruz/ WWF-Perú

After the presentations, multi-stakeholder working groups were formed to review the preliminary results of the report with the aim of identifying corruption scenarios and proposals for recommendations to address them that contribute to their improvement.   Then, each group designated their spokespersons who presented the general conclusions in the plenary of the workshop.
After the event, Andrea Sarayasi, Director of the Office for the Prevention and Fight against Corruption of the Ministry of Production, said that "the presentation of the diagnosis of corruption risks in the value chains of squid and mahi mahi resources will allow various institutions to locate possible corruption risks in a methodical manner, analyzing their damage and consequences,  in order to propose effective actions, tools and policies for its prevention and punishment, including its incorporation into action and mitigation plans, contributing to the objectives established in the National Integrity and Anti-Corruption Policy. It also makes it possible for this diagnosis to be replicated in other value chains".
©Marcia Cruz/ WWF-Perú

Quick Guide: Anti-Corruption Approaches to the Fisheries Sector
Within the framework of the workshop, with the purpose of continuing to contribute to the generation of knowledge on corruption and thanks to the support of USAID, WWF presented the "Quick Guide: Anti-Corruption Approaches Applicable to the Fisheries Sector", that describes in a simple way all those mechanisms (normative, institutional, strategies, actions, platforms, etc.) that are implemented by the Government,  organized civil society and/or the private sector to address corruption issues through reforms that increase integrity.
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