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World Water Day: Conmerate it with these activities in Iquitos!

Under the premise of "You only defend what you love", the youth leaders of the Amazon Rescue Center (CREA), Amazon Forever, the Decentralized Direction of Culture of Loreto (DDC Loreto) and youth organizations, with the support of Amo El Río and WWF Peru, invite Iquitos families to participate in different days of environmental education, science and culture for World Water Day (March 22).  

Worldwide, every March 22nd is commemorated as World Water Day, a reminder to evaluate our actions to safeguard the availability of this resource for both the next and the current generation. In Iquitos, great challenges risk the quality of water from natural sources, its availability and the economic activities that depend on it. However, the city is witnessing the deployment of various youth initiatives that seek positive change.
"We Amazonians are linked to our rivers in many ways, they are our main transportation routes, the rising and emptiness naturally influence our daily lives, the activities we carry out, the products we consume, as well as many ecological processes. In addition to this, the Amazonian cosmovision tells us that the rivers are the cradle of great mythological beings such as the Yacuruna, yacumama bufeos and mermaids, all of them guardians of these waters. It is time that we also become guardians of our rivers and become aware of their great importance, of the problems they are currently facing and, most importantly, generate actions for their conservation", stated Cristian Vélez, Co-Founder of the Amazon Rescue Center (CREA) and Amazon Forever. 

In this way, the Iquitos public will be able to join the following activities:  
  • Pedaling along the rivers: Recognizing the popularity of cycling in the city, the public will be able to join on March 18th at 4 p. m. on the route Plaza Sargento Lores - Boulevard de Iquitos. The event will provide a space for dialogue, reflection and commitments post bike ride and will be supported by the DDC Loreto and IACI.   
  • Protect Amazonian dolphins and manatees: aimed at university students of Biology, Ecology, Environmental Engineering and related fields, on Saturday, March 18th at 9 am at CREA's facilities. In the theoretical stage, CREA specialists will give a presentation on biology, conservation and management of Amazonian manatees and river dolphins. WWF and Amo El Rio volunteer, Nicolas Farroñay, will share his experience on his participation in the river dolphin expedition. In the practical stage, participants will learn techniques for handling manatees in captivity, for this, they will have the opportunity to perform diets and biometrics to manatees that are in the process of rehabilitation.  
  • Educational workshop for guardians of the rivers: On Saturday, March 18th, also at 9 am at CREA's facilities, enjoy the "Huayo Eco-story: The punishment of the bufeo" and discover the importance of responsible fishing and river conservation. Participate in fun games and dynamics.  
  • Earth Hour Blackout: Iquitos will once again join the world's largest environmental movement organized by WWF on Saturday, March 25th. Enjoy the environmental theater play "Show de Huayo y los Salvaplaneta" and the lights off at 8 pm. 

These actions are supported by WWF-Peru and the youth collective Amo El Rio, with the objective of promoting youth leadership and designing actions that keep rivers alive, healthy, free and clean in a sustained manner over time. If you are interested in acting for nature, we invite you to be part of these activities.  

Amo El Río  

Amo El Rio is an initiative created to strengthen the emotional and loving bonds that exist between the citizens of the rainforest and its Amazonian rivers. Being the river a source of water, food and the essential means of transportation in the Amazon, we will seek to inspire and encourage the population to become the main guardians of their rivers.   

More information: https://amoelrio.pe/

Press contact: 

Marcia Cruz 
936057847 / marcia.cruz@wwfperu.org
©Daniel Martinez
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